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RCA 10-stall RCA barn in Heber Utah

Ashely Simmons, breeder of elite Friesian horses and owner of Black Magic Farms located in Heber Valley, Utah’s little Switzerland, took a moment to share her reasons for contracting Ben Dickamore of MD Barnmaster, Utah to build their latest RCA 10-stall barn.

Building modular barns, is nothing new to the Simmons’ family. They have plenty of do-it-yourself (DIY) experience having built two pole barns and eventually tackling a 6-stall MDB barn several years ago. After Ashley installed the roof, all by herself, they decided it was easier to have MDB install the fascia and gutters.

Ashely liked the fact that MD Barnmaster’s superior modular construction is actually quite straight forward – “no real construction experience is necessary” she commented. “Snow load, and wind factors are all calculated for, it’s just a matter of putting everything together.”

She laughed for a moment, and was reminded of a friend who purchased an MDB barn years ago. Every time her friend moved, she would disassemble and reassemble that same barn. “She must have moved that barn a dozen times, and still has it.” The memory of her friend moving that barn around made Ashley chuckle.

For the more recent barn, Ashley chose a 10-stall floor plan. “Because of the flexibility modular design offers, we designated where the tack room, wash rack, etc. would be located”. When we asked how her experience working with Ben was, she commented without hesitation, “working with Ben was great. We’ll continue to work with MDB as our ranch needs grow”. 

To quote MDB: Intelligent Design • Unsurpassed Quality • Uncommon Beauty

You can view Ms. Ashley’s new barn at BlackMagicFarms.com and learn a little about the magnificent Friesian horse – a truly majestic breed of horse.

Thanks to Ben Dickamore, Equine Estates Owner and MDB Utah distributor, for keeping the MDB barn passion alive.

Mobile: 801.643.2215


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