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Steel Building Systems

Large Metal Buildings & Arenas

Steel/Metal Buildings and Covered Arenas

Red Iron Buildings

Universal Structures by MD Barnmaster provides the equestrian and agricultural industries the very best in large free-span buildings and covered arenas.

Nucor Building Systems has been a leader in the design and manufacturing of custom-engineered metal building systems, and with plant locations in South Carolina, Indiana, Texas, and Utah, Nucor is the perfect addition to our modular barns and buildings. Our partnership with Nucor Building Systems allows us to not only provide America’s #1 barns, but also provide large free-span buildings and covered arenas for commercial equestrian, agricultural and livestock events.

The security of our warranties make it easy to ensure the quality and longevity of our building systems, offering peace of mind to contractors and building owners. The product warranties offered by Nucor Building Systems describe the expected results of the product under normal conditions. Our warranty portfolio includes coverage for roof weathertightness, paint finish, Galvalume finish, as well as a One Year Building warranty. NBS paint finish warranties offer protection against fading, chipping or peeling, and more. NBS weathertightness warranties offer assurance to the superior level of protection our roof systems offer. You may view a pdf version of any of the warranties listed below.

Nucor Building Systems
Warranty Information

Nucor warranties make it easy to ensure the quality and longevity of your building or arena, offering peace of mind to contractors and building owners.

The product warranties offered by Nucor Building Systems describe the expected results of the product under normal conditions. Warranty includes coverage for roof weather tightness, paint finish, Galvalume finish. NBS paint finish warranties offer protection against fading, chipping or peeling, and more.

For more information please contact us.

Standard Warranties

  • 25 Year Wall & Roof SP Paint Warranty (not available with VR16 II)
  • 35 Year PVDF Wall & Roof Paint
  • 35 Year PVDF Insulated Metal Panel
  • 25 Year Galvalume® Roof & Wall
  • One Year Building Warranty

Optional Warranties

  • 20 Year Nucor CFR™ Weathertightness
  • 20 Year Nucor VR16 II™ Roof Weathertightness
  • 20 Year Nucor SR2 Weathertightness
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Nucor Building Systems

Nucor Steel/Metal Buildings

Nucor Building Systems’ metal building product systems are designed to offer the ideal combination of functionality, economy, and long term value.

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Nucor Building Systems

Nucor Covered Arenas

Nucor Building Systems’ indoor and outdoor covered arenas are engineered for best quality, sophistication, energy efficiency and environmentally friendliness.

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Request a Quote

Financing Available | Call 1-800-343-2276 for more information. Be sure to mention Nucor Building Systems in the comment section.

Sales: 3489 Hwy. 99 West Corning CA 96021

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