At MD Barnmaster we are very aware of the fact that our barns are strong, durable, and weather-proof. Nevertheless, we are always excited to find another example that showcases just how long-lasting and timeless our barns prove to be.
Chuck Bartok, a sales associate for MD Barnmaster, recently went to Hood River, Oregon to meet with Barbara Hanel about building her new 8 stall, 16 foot breezeway, gable style MD Barnmaster barn. While Chuck was there he couldn’t help but notice her 28 year old Barnmaster barn that was in superb condition.
Twenty-eight years ago, Barbara chose to go with Barnmaster (now known as MD Barnmaster) because she liked the design of their barns and she needed a barn that was well-insulated for colder climates. She chose a 16 foot breezeway so she could easily maneuver her large horses and she chose two-inch barn walls because of frequent cold weather and intense snow in Hood River, Oregon.
In fact, not many places in the United States dish out as much wear and tear to buildings as Hood River, Oregon. With winds up to 93 miles per hour and some of the highest snowfall in the country, the weather is definitely ruthless. All MD Barnmaster barns are fully engineered for wind and snow loads. Barbara’s barn is no exception and considering the outstanding condition of Barbara’s barn, you would never guess that this barn has been through so much snow, rain, and wind over the last several years.
Along with expected weather damage over an extendedperiod of time, you might also expect to see plenty of wear and tear from constant use. Barbara uses her barn every single day and there have been horses in the stalls every day for the last 28 years. Barbara’s large Warm Blood horses inflict a lot of abuse on their stalls, but Barnmaster’s stall walls don’t show it.
After nearly three decades of use, this barn looks great and is still functioning perfectly. Thanks to MD Barnmaster’s kick-proof and chew-proof stalls, they are still solid. If you know anything about wooden barns, you know that the stalls end up with chew marks and kick-throughs aplenty, which is dangerous for horses and increases the cost of ownership.
When it came time add another barn, Barbara knew immediately who she would choose to build it…MD Barnmaster of course! Her new barn will be installed this year and we fully expect to return in another 28 years to see both barns still standing and in excellent condition.
See the interview with Chuck and Barbara below!